1014 collection jewelry wholesale Firecoin fiat currency transactions have been restricted. I want to know where Huo Coin is online customer service. How to relieve restrictions

1014 collection jewelry wholesale

1 thought on “1014 collection jewelry wholesale Firecoin fiat currency transactions have been restricted. I want to know where Huo Coin is online customer service. How to relieve restrictions”

  1. crystal gemstone jewelry wholesale SummarynHello, the risk scenario that triggers the platform to limit the account part or all functions is as follows:n1. Modify the account security item, the account will be limited to 24 hours, and the restrictions are automatically lifted after 24 hours.n2. French currency trading area, a total of 3 or more buy orders will be canceled within a natural day. The buying function of the French currency trading area will be restricted on the day of the day. Singapore will automatically restore the buying permissions after zero o'clock.n3. It is punished in violation of "OTC Trading Rules". The punishment time is generally ranging from 1 to 30 days. After the punishment expires, the corresponding restrictions or contact customer service can be thawed. In order to avoid such restrictions, trading should be strictly in accordance with the trading rules. For specific trading rules, you can refer to the OTC Trading Rules.nConsultation record · Answer on 2021-12-22 Huo Coin French currency transaction has been restricted. I want to know where the Huobi online customer service is. How to relieve restrictions, I am a partner of the Baidu platform. I am recovered within five minutes of the answer. I will do my best to answer your questions. I am satisfied with the trouble. The risk scenario restricting the account part or all functions is as follows: 1. Modify the account security item, the account number will be limited to 24 hours, and the limit is automatically lifted after 24 hours. 2. French currency trading area, a total of 3 or more buy orders will be canceled within a natural day. The buying function of the French currency trading area will be restricted on the day of the day. Singapore will automatically restore the buying permissions after zero o'clock. 3. It is punished in violation of "OTC Trading Rules". The punishment time is generally ranging from 1 to 30 days. After the punishment expires, the corresponding restrictions or contact customer service can be thawed. In order to avoid such restrictions, trading should be strictly in accordance with the trading rules. For specific trading rules, you can refer to the OTC Trading Rules. Thai currency says that 什么. If the platform is frozen, it is usually frozen for three days. Hello, it is not recommended to participate in virtual currency investment. When the network is sold, some leaders and traders of the radar coin have already been cash out of China, and most of the thunder friends have recognized the reality of the radar coin. Any virtual currency is a virtual currency that has not been issued by the national approval. Due to the small investment point and large income of this model, they exaggerate the public on the Internet or through various tools such as WeChat groups. The truth of the truth is deceived.

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