jewelry findings los angeles wholesale Where is the diamond mining?

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5 thoughts on “jewelry findings los angeles wholesale Where is the diamond mining?”

  1. american wholesale jewelry west palm beach For open -air mining. This is the most commonly used method for diamond mining. Open -air mining is the method of peeling (stripping) the soil and stones covering the ore body first, and the method of mining directly in the open air. Due to the development of mining work in the open air, it has the advantages of faster construction speed, mechanization, high degree of automation, high degree of automation, high labor productivity, low production costs, poor losses of ore, and good labor conditions.
    The outdoor mining usually includes:
    ground preparation of mining areas, dry drying of mines, basic construction, divestitudes and mining work. Open -air mining is usually divided into horizontal layers of a certain thickness of the mine, mining from top to bottom layer by layer, and maintaining a certain advancement relationship in each layer. During the mining process It is a step or a ladder segment. The ladder section is the basic constituent element of open -air mines. It is a layered mine with independent mining and transportation equipment mining.
    The formation of diamonds
    The depth of about 200 kilometers by billions of years ago, at high temperatures from 1000 ° C to 1600 ° C, at the influence of 40,000 to 60,000 atmospheric pressure, carbon elements In concentration, diamond formation. Accompanied by crustal movement and volcanic eruption.
    The lava flow brings the magma containing diamonds to the nearly surface of the earth, and is attached to Jinbieliyan and potassium magnesium porphyle to form diamond primary ore; Among them, the secondary ore (sand ore) is formed, which is discovered by humans.

  2. wholesale levitating jewelry display The major diamond mining in the world:
    . Australia, Australia is currently a country with a large number of diamond output. Its reserves account for 26 % of the world's, and gemstones account for about 5 %. Most of the diamonds mined in Australia are very excellent and have collection value.
    2. Africa, southern Africa is the main diamond -producing area in the world. Among them, the main diamond mining areas include South Africa, Namibia, Botswana, Zair, Angola, etc.
    . Russia, the main diamond mining is distributed in the Siberian Yakut area. Russian diamond output is about 12 million carats, half of the gem level. Over the years, Russia has formed an independent diamond mining and processing system, which has strong competitiveness in the market.
    The diamond output all over the world. More than 30 countries have diamond resources, with an annual output of about 100 million carats. The top five countries are Australia, Zael, Botswana, Russia, and South Africa.
    diamond output of these five countries accounts for about 90%of the world's diamond output. rn其它产钻石的国家有刚果(金)、 巴西、圭亚那、委内瑞拉、安哥拉、中非、加纳、几内亚、象牙海岸、利比利亚、纳米比亚、塞拉利昂、坦桑尼亚、津巴布韦、印度尼西亚、印度、 China, Canada, etc.

  3. simple jewelry wholesale Origin distribution
    The diamond output around the world, more than 30 countries have diamond resources, with an annual output of about 100 million carats. The top five countries are Australia, Zael, Botswana, Russia, and South Africa.
    diamond output of these five countries accounts for about 90%of the world's diamond output. Other diamond countries include Congo (Gold), Brazil, Guyana, Venezuela, Angola, China Africa, Ghana, Guinea, Ivory Coast, Libilia, Namibia, Sierra Leine, Tanzania, Zimbabwe, Indonesia, China, Canada, etc. Essence
    The main diamond -cutting center in the world is: Belgium Antwerp, Israel, Tel Aviv, New York, USA, Mumbai, India, and Bangkok, Thailand. Antwerp has the reputation of "the capital of the world". About half of the diamond transactions around the world are completed here.
    Main reserves
    The reserves and production overview of diamonds around the world:
    The proven natural diamond reserves are about 2.5 billion carats, of which 650 million carats in Australia and 550 million carats in Zair. According to the existing diamond reserves of mining level, it can only be mining for 25 years. However, with the improvement of the level of mining technology, new mining areas have been found every year. In recent years, Canadian diamond reserves have increased significantly.
    Since the mining of diamonds, a total of about 350 tons of diamonds, which is 1.75 billion carats, the world ’s mining diamonds from 90 million to 10 million carats each year, of which gemstones account for 17%-20%. The value of 20%gem -class diamonds is equivalent to 5 times the value of 80%industrial -grade diamond.
    If industrial use
    I due to the high hardness of diamond and high thermal conductivity, it can be used on sand paper, drilling, grinding tools, can be used to cut and engrav other substances, as well as heat dissipation such as large integrated circuits and other heat dissipation. On the board.
    , since 1955, General Electric has obtained the technology of artificial diamond through high temperature and high voltage, scientists will use high temperature and high pressure to supplement diamond particles. Now the synthetic diamonds of small particles are cheaper than natural diamonds at the same level. Therefore, the industrial value of natural diamonds has completely disappeared, and the current main purpose is limited to jewelry and viewing.
    On ornamental use
    Themightm stone, due to the high refractive index, appears shining under the light, called diamonds. Giant beauty diamonds are often valuable. When diamonds have blue, green, or pink, it is very rare, while the color is dark and bright. At present, the most expensive color diamonds must be a strong red diamond.
    The diamonds are divided into two types: first and second type, which is mainly based on whether it contains n elements: first type; type 2 does not contain. The blue diamond is Type 2 and semiconductor.
    The above content refers to Baidu Encyclopedia-Diamond

  4. fashion jewelry wholesale china The world's largest natural diamond production country is Russia, the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) and Botswana, which account for more than 60%of the global diamond output. Russia ranked first with more than 11 Kimbelie Pipelines, including open -air and underground mines. It is also the largest rough diamond exporter in the world. The main mining merchants of the country are a company called AlROSA. Most of the output of Russian diamonds are produced by this company.

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