There is a live fairy tale saying that gold silk and dwarfs. The dwarf asked the little girl every day to ask the little girl. If she didn't give it, she took her child away. Which movie is this?

2 thoughts on “There is a live fairy tale saying that gold silk and dwarfs. The dwarf asked the little girl every day to ask the little girl. If she didn't give it, she took her child away. Which movie is this?”

  1. Call: The dwarf demon bar
    is written by the Green brothers:
    . In the past, there was a mill owner. His daughter was extremely beautiful, smart and smart, so her father was always
    is yes I tirelessly boasted her and blown her into the sky.
    one day, the owner of the mill should be called into the palace, and he said to the king that his daughter could spin the straw into gold.
    Mato knows that the king is a person who sees money. As soon as he heard the mill, he immediately ordered the girl. After the girl entered the palace,
    The king led her to a house filled with straw, and then gave her a spinning car. He ordered her: "Before the day is dazzling, you
    Worked into gold, otherwise, you will die. "
    Although the girl repeatedly stated that she did not have such a ability at all, the king did not listen, lock the door, go away, and the house
    will be in the child. The rest was her alone.
    The girl was sitting in the corner of the house, facing her doom, sadness, so she cried loudly. At this moment, the door of the house
    suddenly opened, and a small dwarf walked in, and it looked funny. He said to the girl, "Good night, aunt
    mother. Why cry so What about sadness? "
    " Oh, "the girl replied," I have to spin all the straw into gold, but where can I do this! "
    " If I am a spinning for you, "Xiao Xiao Xunzi said, "What kind of remuneration do you give me?"
    "Send me my beautiful necklace." The girl replied.
    The dwarf believes what the girl says, so she took a spinning car. Textile vehicles kept turning, making a cheerful voice.
    In a long time, the work was finished, and the straw full of houses was spinned into gold.
    The king entered the house and saw it. It was really shocked and happy, but his heart became more greedy. He locked the female daughter of the mill into another room with more straw rooms, and instructed her to spin the straw in the house into gold. The poor girl didn't know what to do,
    sitting there and cried again. Who knows at this time, the little dwarf opened the door and asked: "If I help you spin, what pay for you
    Thank you?"
    "Give you this diamond ring." The girl Answer.
    So her short friend took the ring, then walked to the spinning vehicle, and woven it. He kept spinning
    , before dawn, he finally spin all the straw in the house into gold.
    The king at the first sight of so many glittering gold, full of joy, but he was still dissatisfied, so he brought the female daughter of the mill to
    . If you spindle all the straws here tonight, I will marry you to make
    Queen. "
    The king left, and when the girl was alone, the little dwarf came again and asked the girl to say that : "If I have been for you for the third time
    The spinning, what pay for me?"
    "I have nothing to give you anymore." She replied.
    "So, you have to promise me," the dwarf went on, "Waiting for you to be the queen, give you the first child you gave birth to
    " Nothing. "The girl thought in her heart, but she had no way to make it now, so she agreed to his request. Little dwarf
    once again spin the straw into gold.
    Early morning, the king came again, and found that everything was as expected, and he married the daughter of the mill to be the queen.
    The first child of the queen was born. She was happy, but forgot her dwarf and her own promise. Who knew that there was a
    day, the little dwarf suddenly came to her room, reminding her not to forget the promise she made. For this sudden misfortune,
    . She was distracted and had to propose to give him all the gold and silver treasures of the kingdom as a condition for exchange, but the little dwarf said
    did not agree. The queen was crying, crying like a tear, and the dwarf softened when she saw it, and said to her:
    "I have a wide limit for three days, if you can say within these three days, you can say When you make my name, you leave your child. "
    So the queen sent a lot of messengers to all parts of the country and inquire about the names that have not been heard.
    The next day, the little dwarf came again, and she began to say everything I remembered.可是小矮子每听一个都说:“我不叫这个。”rn  第二天,她把听到过的滑稽名字都说了出来,什么罗圈腿啦,小罗锅啦,八字脚啦,诸
    This. But every time the little dwarf listened, he said, "I don't call this."
    The third day, a trust came back and said, "When I was going up the mountain, I found that there was a small shed in the forest, and the shed was in front of the shed r r
    In a bunch of bonfires, a funny little dwarf jumped around with a fire, jumping over, and singing while jumping:

    'I brewed today,
    Tomorrow tomorrow Destroyed hand;
    singing and jumping is more happy,
    The child will return to me tomorrow;
    ! '"

    After a while, the little dwarf came again, and asked, "The queen, what is my name
    ?" The queen replied, "Are you called John?" "No!" What about Tom? "
    " No right! "
    " Maybe you are called Long Pelsdilqin? "
    " It must be what the witch tells you! ! "The little dwarf shouted, so angry, the right
    was deeply trapped into the ground. He had to bend down, hug his calves tightly with both hands, and pull out the strength of his body with his entire body strength. Later, he hurried away, and the distress ended, and everyone laughed. The queen later
    has not seen him.

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